Home > Welsh Language Policy
Welsh Language Policy
Statement of Intent
We, at Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd, support the principle established by the Welsh Language Act 1993 that, in the conduct of public business and the administration of justice in Wales, the Welsh and English languages should be treated on a basis of equality. We also recognise that the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 gives the Welsh language official status in Wales.
As a Welsh company, Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd must adhere to the Welsh Language Act, 1993. Additionally, Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd holds the belief that the Welsh language is an important part of the National heritage and will seek to support the status of the Welsh language in Welsh business.
Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd is committed to the principle that the Welsh and English Languages should be treated on the basis of equality. We are committed to providing our services to our customers bi-lingually, wherever appropriate.
In dealing with our Clients and other customers, we endeavour to:
- Adopt the same aims and professional standards in providing a service in Welsh and in English
- Enable our customers to use Welsh as freely as English in dealing with us and ensure that Clients are informed that they have a choice of language when seeking information and advice.
We welcome letters and/or emails in Welsh and in English. Correspondence will be replied to in the language used by the customer. The target time for replying will be the same as for replying to letters and/or emails written in English.
When corresponding to someone for the first time, we will endeavour to find out in which language they wish to correspond. We will record their choice and will use that language in all future correspondence when writing solely with that person.
We welcome telephone calls from customers in Welsh or English.
In the event that a Welsh-speaking person is not available to take a call then, if the caller does not want to proceed in English, arrangements will be made for a Welsh speaker to return the call as soon as possible.
Service Delivery
We will offer our client’s and customer’s services in Welsh or English and will seek to establish the client’s preference as early as possible. The service will be provided within the same timescale. Where it is recognised that there is a client/customer need to conduct business in Welsh, we will ensure a bi-lingual Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd representative be available.
Public meetings may be conducted in Welsh or in English if all those attending agree unanimously on one common language. Where different languages are preferred, simultaneous translation facilities should be made available.
All printed information produced by Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd will be bi-lingual, either with Welsh and English versions together in the same document or with separate Welsh and English versions available. Where separate Welsh and English documents exist, it will state on the English version that the document is available in Welsh.
Signs and public notices will be bi-lingual, either with Welsh and English together on the same sign or with separate Welsh and English versions.
Display material produced by the Company and used at exhibitions and events will also be bilingual. If it is necessary to incorporate material from other sources, this will be done with the company’s bilingual policy in mind.
A Welsh speaking Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd representative should always be available as part of the recruitment process. This will allow Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd to conduct interviews, converse with potential recruits and induct new recruits into the company through the medium of the Welsh language.
This policy sets out guidelines to all those employed or retained by Colin Jones (Rock Engineering) Ltd and this policy should be incorporated in to the recruitment and new employee induction process and all other aspects of business activity. As part of the terms of employment, employees are expected to adhere to the concepts contained within this policy document and assist the company in realising the aims and objectives of this policy.
Richard Wyn Owen
General Manager
David K Jones
Managing Director
Note: This policy will be updated and amended at regular intervals.
February 2024